@eriqgardner: Google Has a Big Canadian Problem — and It’s Getting Desperate

[Editor Charlie sez:  Now all of the Google shills prattling about “censorship” as an excuse for Google’s promotion and profit from massive piracy may start to make more sense.  Read the complaint filed by Google’s go-to law firm Quinn Emanuel.]

If one didn’t know any better, it would be reasonable to assume that Google has lost its mind. See a lawsuit filed Monday by the web giant….

On June 28, Google suffered a humongous legal defeat. There are losses and then there are losses, and this one was a super duper very bad loss for the Menlo Park, Calif.-based company. In Canada, the country’s highest court upheld an injunction ordering Google to remove certain websites ruled to be infringing intellectual property from its search engine. GLOBALLY.

The details of what led to this decision —  a small Canadian tech company called Equustek Solutions suing a onetime distributor for trademark infringement and misappropriation of trade secrets — are not particularly important. What is significant is that the case dealt with intellectual property and the possibility that Google might have to do more than pay lip service to piracy….

The company has filed a lawsuit in California federal court against Equustek.

“Google brings this action to prevent enforcement in the United States of a Canadian order that prohibits Google from publishing within the United States search result information about the contents of the internet,” states the introduction in the complaint….

A federal judge can now give Google what it requests by issuing a declaration that the injunction is unenforceable as inconsistent with the First Amendment, the Communications Decency Act and international comity, but does it matter? What a U.S. judge can’t do is stop a Canadian court from imposing sanctions on Google for failure to comply with the injunction.

That’s right–Google is going for the Backpage defense of choice against human trafficking–the Communications Decency Act.  This is why Google tells people in other countries that they want U.S. law to apply to all their operations.  Imagine if Standard Oil got away with that.  Or if Google had been charged with material support for terrorists.

Read the post on the Hollywood Reporter.

And watch Eric Schmidt swallow his tongue when confronted about Google’s support for Backpage at a Google “stockholders’ meeting”.